The week of September 9th, 2024, Monday the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius, and on Wednesday will move into earthy Capricorn, on Saturday will move into airy Aquarius.
Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon will oppose Uranus, trine Neptune, sextile Pluto, and square Mercury. Your emotions may get sparked by new ideas, draw on your vision to make the small but needed changes, this may be a good day to learn more about the occult studies.
Tuesday the Moon will sextile Venus, and square Saturn, you’re inclined to be social and that can help support the negative aspects of the square to Saturn. Plan to work hard for someone else to add positivity to the day!
Wednesday the Moon will square the Sun, oppose Jupiter, and square Neptune. Be careful as this could be a challenging day, don’t abuse drugs or alcohol! You may find your routine will change, it may be good for the future, watch for your sensitivities to be up, don’t take things too seriously.
Thursday the Moon will oppose Mars, and trine Mercury. Easily irritated today remember to breathe! Try to talk rationally and calmly to straighten things out.
Friday the Moon will sextile Saturn, square Venus, trine the Sun and then Uranus. The universe is providing support to help your social gatherings, things turn out favorably, try something new!
Saturday the Moon will sextile Neptune, and conjunct Pluto. Spirited themes or the occult may draw your interest either way expect intensity.
Sunday the Moon will trine Jupiter and then Venus. This should feel like a very harmonious day with both benefics supporting your activity!
Planetary Aspects
Monday Mercury will move into Virgo, a sign where Mercury rules and is exalted. Mercury has a lot of power!
Wednesday Mercury will sextile Mars, increased energy possibly around conversations!
Thursday the Sun will square Jupiter, you can benefit from extra energy look for common ground in disputes.
Sunday Venus will trine Jupiter, a great day to make positive changes. Good things around health and finances.
The week of September 2nd, 2024, the Moon is in earthy Virgo and will move into airy Libra on Wednesday, and into watery Scorpio on Saturday.
Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon will conjunct the Sun for a New Moon in Virgo. Starting new things focus will be on what you do daily with a focus on your health.
Tuesday the Moon will oppose Saturn, and square Jupiter Even though generally good vibes you may feel a bit on the dark or gloomy side. You may pursue those dark taboo subjects like astrology!
Wednesday the Moon will trine Uranus oppose Neptune square Mars and trine Pluto. The need for emotional excitement paired with your oversensitivity, could spark challenges that could create change. Or you could decide to do something different that may have a charitable nature, that you can put your energy towards for a positive change!
Thursday the Moon will conjunct Venus, favorable for art love and social gatherings!
Friday the Moon will trine Jupiter, sextile Mercury. Interactions will be friendly, may also be quick are filled with a lot of information.
Saturday the Moon will square Pluto, and trine Mars. A day to be careful- think before you act! Watch for dangerous circumstances and take precautions good day to do something positive to create change.
Sunday the Moon will trine Saturn and sextile the Sun seek the advice from someone you trust look for opportunities or a burst of energy!
Planetary Aspects
Monday New Moon in Virgo time for new beginnings, maybe more concerned with your health, and things you do daily.
Tuesday Mars will square Neptune this may feel like someone knocked the wind out of your sails, a low energy day.
Wednesday Mars will move into Cancer, in fall Mars won’t have the strength that it normally does. Be sure to journal!
Saturday Mercury will square Uranus, scattered thinking don’t make impulsive moods, you may have a change of plans.
Sunday the Sun will oppose Saturn, you may need to compromise, or just feeling held back wait another day!
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