Here is the Sibley Chart. This is the “natal” chart used by many Astrologers who agree when the Declaration of Independence was signed. The “birth” of our nation, you could say! I’d like to introduce to you Saturn. The planet that looks like an h with a cross at the top, and is located in the 11 o’clock position, in the same “house” as the letters MC which stands for the Midheaven. (The area of sky that is directly overhead by 90° at that particular point and time on Earth) Saturn typically is in a sign for 2.5 years. As you follow this post, I’ll show you how Saturn “shows up” in the life of the U.S. as it was forming!
Also please visit the pod-cast on You tube I did with Lynda on this subject Saturn through the Houses using the Sibley chart. using the charts listed below! Check it out on our youtube channel
Here we start off with Saturn in the 11th house known for the “hopes and dreams” part of our lives, or in this case the United States life.

Keeping the inner wheel the same, or not moving it, keep an eye on Saturn as it moves around the chart in the outer wheel in a counter clockwise motion.

12th House: Saturn moves to the 12th House known for ‘self-undoing, isolation, hidden enemies, escape. 1779 The USA was in the middle of the Revolution. General Benedict Arnold is court-marshaled after a thwarted attempt to turn over West Point for money. Gen Washington gave him a light sentence, and he escaped to join the British forces. Dec. 1, 1779, Washington arrives at Morristown, New Jersey where the Continental Army spent the winter of 1779-1780.

1st House: Saturn moves counterclockwise so the first House is at the 9 o’clock position (or 9 o’clock to 8 o’clock ), it represents the ‘self’. When this house gets activated, change with the ‘self’ is probable. Oct 19, 1781, Cornwall surrenders to Washington making it the last major battle of the American Revolution fought on American soil.

2nd House: Financial/survival House- This represents what it is you need to survive, and USA needed to sell its wares to other countries. The end of 1784 Britain receives its first bales of US Cotton!
3rd House- The house of Local travel/community. July 20, 1786, John Fitch demonstrates his steamboat invention. Sept 11-14, 1786, 5 delegates call for Congress to write a constitution for the thirteen states.
4th House-Represents father/homeland/home-February 4, 1789, George Washington is elected unanimously as the first President of the USA.
5th House- Represents creativity, pleasure, and children. December 15, 1791, the Bill of Rights takes effect. February 20, 1792, the US Post Office Department established and signed into law by President George Washington. This is where we show our artwork off to the world!
6th House of health/illness, pets, and what you do daily. August 17, 1793, epidemic along the docks of Philadelphia 5,000 people or 10% of the population has succumbed to a disease carried by refugees from Haiti and a wet spring provided an incubator for mosquitos.
7th House: The house of open enemies, your spouse (who else do you declare your gonna fight with for the rest of your life, then a spouse?) and partners. Aug 3, 1795, Gen Wayne signs treaty at Ft. Greenville, OH with Indians. Oct 27, 1795, the Treaty of Madrid singed establishing Spanish and US colonies.

8th House: The house of other people’s money, wills, hidden things, death. July 7, 1798, Congress orders US Navy to capture 84 armed French ships due to raids on US commerce.
9th House: Higher education, philosophy, foreigners, our values, law- April 24, 1800, US Library of Congress is founded. Slavery is ended in the NW Territory from Ordinance of 1787. Thomas Jefferson proposed all slavery to be prohibited but was defeated by one vote! January 20, 1801, John Marshall appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. May 10, 1801, Tripoli declares war on US for not paying addl’ tribute to commerce raiding corsairs from Arabia.

10th House: The house at the top of the chart, what your known for, your reputation and career. November 16, 1801, 1st edition of The New York Post is published. July 4, 1802, West Point opens. April 30, 1803, Thomas Jefferson doubles the size of the US with the Louisiana Purchase.

11th House: Hopes and dreams, friendships, and allies- Oct 26, 1805, Lewis and Clark arrive to help map out western North America. Stocking up supplies and gifts with the plan on meeting native Americans with the help of Sacagawea, a native who helped bridge native American barriers. Back to Hopes and Dreams, I love how Venus and Jupiter (Planets of inclusiveness and expanse), both benefic’s are in the first house!
12th House: Finishing up, endings, house of hidden enemies. Congress passes it to be illegal to import slaves to take effect January 1, 1808. This philosophical change first was suggested in the 9th House by Thomas Jefferson.
I hope you enjoyed this blog about the Houses. It is one of the foundational frameworks in Hellenistic Astrology. This will explain where topics show up in your life. Where the planets are in your natal chart and in which house, tells you what type of activities are going on in them. This is one of the basic structures in Astrology and can be applied to Natal readings, Horary readings, used in Electional and Mundane Astrology. Hope you found this useful and helpful and if you bookmark this page can be used as a handy reference about what the houses represent!
Thanks for reading!
What a GREAT way to help us understand the houses. Our USA history was a fantastic way to help comprehend the way a chart flows thru our lives.
I enjoyed this way of explaining Astrology.
It is fascinating to see how it all plays out! Thanks for your interest!
Wow! Very interesting!
Glad you enjoyed it!