You would think by midlife you know yourself! I’ve always had an interest in the stars, from early childhood viewing Northern Michigan’s beautiful expansive starry sky. Who knew that after half a life, when, as everyone who spends as much time as I do in the outdoors, should have their skin checked by a dermatologist was told of such a mark when my life took a different direction. I ran to my computer where I searched to find ANY Astrological marks, people may have posted such as a Moon or a Sun was all I found, nothing quite resembled mine. By 2018 I attended a “meet up” with a group of Astrologers in Ann Arbor who confirmed that it indeed even resembled my Sun Sign! This is where my Astrological journey began…
As a kid never going to the same elementary school more then 6 months, you could say we moved quite a bit. I was fortunate to be able to have lived in states from Florida, Texas, California to New York. Getting a chance to sightsee most of the magnificent beauty this country has to offer. Palm trees and beaches, walked (as gingerly as possible) in real dinosaur footprints at Dinosaur Valley, viewed the big Sequoia trees, to Our Statue of Liberty, visited the Grand Canyon (during that trip “dug for gold” and got my first piece of Pyrite) as well as my “Pet Rock”! At summer camp learned foraging to make a delicious soup with “dough on a stick” for lunch. Traveled through Death Valley, as well as went on a 2nd Grade Field trip to China Town, we lived just outside of San Francisco (to this day even my kids know how to eat with chopsticks). Went caving learning about, as well as being able to swim through stalactites and stalagmites that had formed all those thousands of years ago. ALL of these experiences have contributed to the person I am today, forming my love for Momma Earth!

In 2013 at the dermatologist’s office, my life changed or at least altered what I thought was my future. You see I have been a stay-at-home Mom, able to volunteer at the local school, where I first dipped my toe in the early 90’s learning Web/Coding and development, as well being a Girl Scout Leader for 3 years to a 22 girl troop! My soapbox issue at the time was against bullying and still is today. As I was raised with just a few pieces of advice. “Treat others as you would like them to treat you” (from school). “Leave a place better then when you found it” (from my Grandmother, who was a Girl Scout leader as well), and “There is no reality there is only perception” Thanks Mom and Dad! Finally, from my Grandfather… “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have listened!” (We enjoyed 10 years more with him as our conversations inspired him to quit smoking)!
That last piece of advice is what is inspiring me to post this blog. As number one I would love to hear of other Astrological marks. Two, I am surely contemplating why? And for what reason this has come to light! Has it changed others lives? My work with crystals (through HibiscusMoonCrystalAcademy) is enough to show me that there are forces and healing energies to support health out there for me to tap into. Finally, why did this take so long to “really” speak loudly to me now?!
Thank you to all of those people in my life, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without the influence of the people who I have crossed paths with. Or people through their work I have learned from, such as Bernadette Brady’s book on Fixed Stars was one of the first Astrology books I bought, inspired me to find out what those stars actually meant! Melly who advised me ”as above so below”, Danielle my “Joyful Astrologer” who made Astrology sound so fun! My first formal teacher of Astrology who “spoke” my language of the very factual side of Hellenistic Astrology Chris Brennen, or Jessica who simply inspired me to even ATTEND a conference, as well as my fellow Astrology classmates! Winning a Logo when Venus (our benefic planet) on that day moved into my 10th house of career, I seem to have been guided to be doing exactly what I am doing today, learning Astrology, working with Crystals and working at Web Design. All of these modalities have either a language or energies that the average person cannot understand. Seems my Scorpio stellium just loves and finds intrigue with all of these hidden languages!
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