Smokey Quartz is a crystal that associates with the 1st Chakra or Root Chakra**. It has a Mohs hardness of 7 and has a hexagonal or trigonal …
Aquamarine is a blue to blue green crystal with a mohs hardness of 7.5-8** found in Brazil, Pakistan, Australian Africa and the U.S. Known as the …
Sunstone emanates the Solar Ray of Ra, the Sun God**. It supports leadership, creativity, sexuality and physical stamina. It identifies …
Amethyst is known for its deep purple color that resonates with the Third Eye Chakra. This stone has a trigonal crystal system**. It’s element is …
Moonstone Comes in many colors a feldspar mineral * a potassium aluminum silicate with the crystal system being monoclinic or prismatic. Works …
Fluorite has a Mohs hardness of 4**, it comes in purple, green, white, yellow, colorless, pink, red and black. This crystal has the ability to …