Smokey Quartz is a crystal that associates with the 1st Chakra or Root Chakra**. It has a Mohs hardness of 7 and has a hexagonal or trigonal …
Aquamarine is a blue to blue green crystal with a mohs hardness of 7.5-8** found in Brazil, Pakistan, Australian Africa and the U.S. Known as the …
August 2022
The week of August 29, 2022, the Moon moves into airy Libra on Monday and then into watery Scorpio on Wednesday. She will then move into fiery …
Sunstone emanates the Solar Ray of Ra, the Sun God**. It supports leadership, creativity, sexuality and physical stamina. It identifies …
Amethyst is known for its deep purple color that resonates with the Third Eye Chakra. This stone has a trigonal crystal system**. It’s element is …
July 2022 Astro Weather
The week of July 18, 2022, the Moon starts out in fiery Aires, on Wednesday it moves into earthy Taurus and by Saturday will move into airy …