The mechanism that makes it all work like clockwork? Its all in the angle!
Over the course of my studies of both modalities of Crystals and Astrology the whole focus of both is in the angle. From my early learning of Astrology and beginning to understand aspects, to holding my very first piece of pyrite as a youngster after “digging for gold” while out west! I first started sensing the importance, function, and impact that an angle has. Wish I woulda paid more attention in geometry class!
While attending a lecture “When Spirit Meets Matter” given by Dr. Bernadette Brady and according to my notes as I didn’t know a thing about Astrology then, but a very good note taker! She talked about the time when you take your first breath, and at the moment your life begins you are imprinted with the planetary energy out there. I attended the lecture during MY early days learning Astrology and have been trying to make sense of that lecture ever since.
Through learning Astrology and Crystals, ALL of my teachers have been incredibly preoccupied with how important angles are! I would not be where I am today without the teachers, classmates and Astrologers that have done important work in understanding concepts and have passed on that knowledge. I thank them dearly for their time and generosity.
This is why in my opinion, at the time of your birth the distance of the planets, and the angle they are to you, the planets energy, and condition of the planets at the time of your birth is SO important. Your horoscope will show you at the time of your birth “Your natal promise”. Depending on which planets are being activated at a certain time in your “life” is how they represent in your life, throughout your entire life. (some say your past lives are represented as well)
These planets (your natal chart or YOU) create different angles throughout your lifetime with the transiting planets, the planets that are right outside your door when you walk outside. Your birth chart is a symbol of you during a natal reading. You ARE the chart! How the planets are impacting your natal placements are what an Astrological reading can tell you. The purpose of an Astrology reading is to learn “which part” of your chart is being activated as no person could withstand living their entire chart 24/7 at once! As the energy would be too great! Most do not learn to walk, climb a mountain, love, open a business, have a baby and become a grandparent all in one month!
Have ya ever heard of the phrase “timing is everything”? Well, it just so happens that the purpose of Astrology will not only show you your natal promise but as well give you information about how things are timed for your life and which energies you will be dealing with and when!
By giving the Astrologer feedback during the consultation of how you have dealt with previous episodes of a planet (using timing techniques) should give you a clue to what energy you can expect in your future.
How are crystals involved???
As far as crystals go they have different energies BASED on their own formations and the angles that they form. I have certain Crystals that are special simply because of their particular angles. Some of them provide specific energies available for healing. Those crystals offer energy based on their angles, color (what actually makes them up), elements, as well as their environment they were formed in, to name a few.

My crystal teacher Hibiscus Moon was so very adamant (she is very sciency) on the particular angles. We were required to “make” shapes to reflect particular angles and actually hold that, form that, in our hand to get a “feeling” of THAT particular angle! The angles again are so very important to the crystals the Earth we all walk upon has provided to us. Amazing!
Tesla, the pyramid builders, ancient temple builders all had angles on their mind. Dr. John Lipton believes the outer membrane of the brain is the closest thing to a living liquid crystal in our bodies. Where information is received and communicated out! Dr. Vogel a former IBM employee developed the Vogel crystal, which has such strong energy because of its precise angles the Quartz crystal is cut to. All of this work, throughout history has pointed to the fact of the importance of the angle.

If what is covering our brain is close to a liquid crystal and we know our DNA is as well a repeating structure. Which is how crystals are formed, for more information on why that works see my blog post on “How can a crystal session help me you ask?” I would love to see the science field work more closely with BOTH of these energies to be able to understand and work with the power we were meant to have. The same energy our ancestors used to support our health over 3,000 years ago, up until the last 500 years. I’m not knocking our Modern Medicine, just believe crystals have the ability to support our health as it did throughout history.
I decided to write this blog now as my first serious Astrology teacher Chris Brennan put out two videos on aspects, the current class I’m attending at School of Traditional Astrology, STA had a lecture this week on aspects, a subject easier to grasp after finding a quiet space such as “in the middle of the woods” to really absorb the angles and their effects, advised my teacher. Thirdly this is one of the topics I’ve been wanting to write about for quite some time! The rule of 3! I’ve been noticing quite a bit about learning to listen to the energies, they sure have a lot to say if we just pay attention to them! Working with the planets and working with crystals have truly opened my eyes to energies most of us have gone about our lives with practically no understanding nor ability of how to work with those energies. Yet they have been working around the clock regardless of human understanding. The beauty of them both is you do not have to believe in them, for them to work. They just do!
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