Smokey Quartz is a crystal that associates with the 1st Chakra or Root Chakra**. It has a Mohs hardness of 7 and has a hexagonal or trigonal crystal system. It ranges from a pale tan to a deep brown caused from natural irradiation. It has been found in Brazil, Australia, Madagascar, Switzerland, and the USA.
It helps people feel more connected to the material world. So is a good ally in enhancing practicality and organization. It helps protect against negative energies, making it a perfect jewelry piece.
This crystal helps to bring the ethereal** more into your realm or field of vision such as UFO’s, ghosts, and ability to bring dreams into reality. Like smudging Smokey Quartz can be used to clean and clear the auric field. It helps clear nervous system disturbances and can counter negative effects of the Sun.
**Source: The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
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