The week of September 27th, 2021, Monday the Moon starts off in airy Gemini and moves into watery Cancer by Tuesday. She will then move into firey Leo on Thursday evening. On Friday she will move into the state of Void of Course which is a rare circumstance within the Hellenistic techniques as it will only move into a VOC Moon once this year. It is a time where usually if you do something it will go unnoticed or “nothing will come of it”. The Moon finally moves into earthy Virgo on Sunday.
Even though the Moon is making big moves this week, the planets are not falling short of providing their energies this week! Mercury went retrograde at about 25 degrees of Libra and will move back to 10 degrees of Libra before it moves direct October 19th. So, where Libra falls in your chart will determine the impact this kind of planetary movement affects you. So, what you were doing about September 6th or 7th may just be a subject you will be revisiting! The Moon aspects being made this week will be a square to Pluto signifying a possible change is being considered. The Moon makes a trine to Jupiter which is always a good sign with the hope of something good happening with an easy aspect. On Tuesday the Moon squares the Sun, with Mars also in that sign of Libra could make for more diplomatic discussions as the Moon will soon be squaring Mars the following day! Not to be left out of the mix the Sun the other luminary will square Saturn the other malefic on Wednesday. Thursday is a big day as the Moon trines Neptune and Venus calling for an easy time dealing with the watery parts of your chart. The Moon will square Mercury (think commerce and communication) on Thursday as well as Venus and Jupiter will form a square to each other. So, an action should be expected on Thursday. Friday the Moon will oppose Saturn which is considered a hard aspect as well as square Uranus. The Leo Moon will have an easy aspect to the Libran Sun and Mars highlighting that area of your chart. Saturday Venus will sextile Pluto so a change could start to take shape. Mercury trines Jupiter on Sunday to finish out the week, maybe we can look forward to a lot of communications we have been putting off, can now allow us to catch up on!
The week of September 20, 2021, the Moon starts out in watery Pisces and will move into Aries but not before the Full Piscean Moon will happen at 7:55 pm tonight! During that transition she will be opposing the Sun and then quickly opposing Mars in Libra. She’ll move into earthy Taurus on Thursday, and then into the double bodied sign of Gemini by Saturday.
The Moon will have an easy sextile transit with Saturn on Tuesday. As the Moon is our closest planet to us, its energies affect us the most. Causing how we feel about certain things to change based on where it is located in your chart. On Wednesday the Moon sextiles Jupiter, squares Pluto and will oppose Mercury. Thursday when the Moon is in Taurus she will square Saturn. So any energy between/with Mercury & Saturn could be realized on Thursday. Friday the Moon will conjunct Uranus and oppose Venus. Saturday the Moon will sextile Neptune our place of escapism, square Jupiter, trine Pluto, form an inconjunct with Mercury. So Saturday will feel like a lot is going on as the Moons aspects with 4 planets!
The first aspect the planets make (the connections between the planets) is Mercury will trine Jupiter on Monday, calling for big messages/news. The movement to focus on of the week is the Sun will make its way into cardinal Libra on Wednesday at 3:21 pm, signifying the Fall Equinox. Thursday Venus opposes Uranus so out of the blue information can be expected. Saturday Mars will trine Saturn which is an easy aspect for conversation to easily be had, or a structural move should be easy. On Sunday the Moon aspects all three of the big movers this week! She will be trining the Sun, Saturn, and Mars! All good aspects or at least easy energy that will not have barriers. Get ready as Mercury will be going into retrograde Monday 9/27, a good time to RE-DO a project you needed to redo! After all a Mercury signification is … time to redo!
The week of September 13, 2021, the Moon starts out in Firey Sagittarius on Monday squaring Mars and the Sun so focus should be paid attention to on how you engage as it will square Neptune the planet of escape. The Moon moves into earthy Capricorn on Tuesday morning, hopefully lending stability to the square she’ll have with Mars on Tuesday! Wednesday she’ll have transits or an angle to planets that are all about ideas and communication. She’ll move into airy Aquarius on Thursday morning, by Friday and the hard aspects with Venus and Uranus can move along an idea! The Moon will make its way into Pisces on Saturday afternoon, great energy to be finishing up a project, particularly with the Full Moon Monday (9/20).
The Planets big voice will be when Mars moves into Libra (will be there a few weeks) a Venus ruled sign, so Mars typically won’t feel very comfortable on Tuesday. Do not let slip that the Virgo Sun will be opposing Neptune in Pisces! That is energy of what should be done everyday is focusing its attention at Neptune the planet of escapism! I guess buckle down if you’re going back to school! Thursday the Sun trines Pluto, I would expect a change of some kind. Friday Venus will square Saturn, what we love or find beautiful may undergo a structural change. Thinkin room décor, to how the rules of a relationship may shift! As I always say to journal on the days a planet changes signs (circle that in your calendar) and be sure to journal on Tuesday when Mars moves into Libra!
The week of September 6, 2021, the Moon starts out in Virgo and will be a New Moon at 8:52pm. The Moon will then move into Libra on Tuesday. Friday it moves into watery Scorpio and by Saturday the Moon will be aspecting 5 planets. So a lot will happen (or changes/news can be expected) on Saturday! The Moon will oppose Uranus, Sextile the Sun and Pluto, trine Neptune, and square Jupiter. Sunday the Moon will move into firey Sagittarius, sextiling Mars and Saturn.
Monday has a lot of easy aspects which will be happening between Mars and Pluto cause a possible change, or possibly reaching a goal. The Sun and Uranus will also aspect by trine which could result in a shocking or new idea. Venus and Jupiter will begin to form a trine as well. Those are our benific planets so good things can be expected. Tuesday the Moon will conjunct Mars which could lead us to a goal or a possible disagreement so “mind your Mars” (after all Mars is the planet of aggression and competition) on Tuesday! Friday early while the Moon shines its light in the house of Scorpio, later that day Venus will move into Scorpio and cause its influence in that house. Friday with Venus moving into another sign, is a good time to journal. Enjoy the week!
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