The week of October 30th 2023, the Moon moves into airy Gemini, will move into watery Cancer on Wednesday and will move into fiery Leo on Saturday.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon will sextile Neptune, trine Pluto, and square Saturn, you may be more intuitive sensitive and interested in mystical matters. Intensity of emotions good or bad may surface and it may be difficult to stay positive yet all lunar aspects pass quickly.
Wednesday the Moon will square Venus, and Neptune, and then trine Saturn, a social calling is strong the challenge as a square indicates can show up as overindulging, confusion can only be added to the energy. An old friend or older friend, may come into your life to offer help.
Thursday the Moon will trine the Sun, sextile Jupiter, and trine Mars, high vitality and things generally are working out well for you, people will feel at ease around you and a great time to lead a group that demands great effort. (if you have other supporting or long lasting support in your chart)
Friday the Moon will trine Mercury, sextile Uranus, and then Venus, trine Neptune, and oppose Pluto, family news may be heard and honest communications are possible. This could be unusual or even shocking with your social life, a day to be chill! An intense relationship can be powerfully emotional.
Saturday the Moon will square Jupiter a challenging day, one of which failing to see the details can be the energy, be careful if you need to see the details.
Sunday the Moon will square the Sun & Mars and then Uranus for, 3 challenging aspects! This day may exert energy on your part as well as drive and could be shocking! A square is asking for action!
The Planetary Aspects
Tuesday Venus will trine Uranus, we are being asked to mix up our love life, whether it is a different activity, or how we view Art, or a relationship that is out of the norm.
Thursday the Sun will oppose Jupiter, and Venus will oppose Neptune, a good chance to look at our goals and where we find love. This could also usher in muscle strains, or confusion regarding our love life.
Saturday Saturn moves direct, Mercury will oppose Uranus. Saturn will have an easier time expressing itself such as restrictions and hard effort. On the same day we will experience lots of new thoughts, even shocking events.
The week of October 23rd, 2023, the Moon starts out in airy Aquarius, on Tuesday will move into watery Pisces, on Thursday move into fiery Aries, and Saturday into earthy Taurus.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon will square Uranus we may strongly feel the need for freedom and independence.
Tuesday the Moon will conjunct Saturn trine the Sun, Mercury and then Mars, and then will sextile Jupiter. A sense of duty to get the hard work done, will be supported with energy and drive for the longer goal.
Wednesday the Moon will oppose Venus sextile Uranus and conjunct Neptune, you have a strong desire for the social aspects, be careful of others energy as your sensitivities are heightened.
Thursday the Moon will sextile Pluto deep feelings are likely to come out today, this can be good if you are willing to resolve those deeper issues.
Saturday the Moon will square Pluto, sextile Saturn, oppose the Sun for the lunar eclipse at 5° 9” Taurus at 4:24 PM. This can have a positive effect today if you are willing to work on the deeper issues, Could also mean power struggles so caution is necessary. A mostly reflective day that may include a sense of duty that may be spotlighted today.
Sunday the Moon will conjunct Jupiter, oppose Mercury, and then Mars, then the Moon will trine Venus and then conjunct Uranus. You’ll be asked to look at the details to a bigger goal, and have the energy and drive to work towards that goal. Social events may be out of the ordinary or unusual, but that may be just what is called for.
The Planetary Aspects
Monday the Sun moves into Scorpio, time to go deep or mysterious!
Tuesday the Sun will trine Saturn, your efforts will be very carefully planned today. Good day for disciplined work.
Saturday Mars will oppose Jupiter and Mercury will oppose Jupiter, working towards your dreams could be very successful today as long as you don’t take on more than you can handle. Your goals should be successful as long as you don’t overlook the details.
Sunday Mercury will conjunct Mars, fighting words, debate, pregame pep talk could be very successful.
The week of October 16th, 2023 the Moon starts out in watery Scorpio, and then on Tuesday will move into fiery Sagittarius, and on Thursday move into earthy Capricorn, finally moving into airy Aquarius on Sunday.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon will oppose Jupiter, a generous feeling to those around you, typically a nice transit.
Tuesday the Moon will oppose Uranus, then trine Neptune, then sextile Pluto, and square will Mars. A need to make a change or a new situation may surface, your intuition is up so are your sensitivities, you may even have an interest in Astrology! Any changes you may feel are necessary, will get the fuel from Mars to carry out the action.
Wednesday the Moon will square Venus, a good time for socializing be aware of the negative effects of overindulging.
Thursday the Moon will square Neptune, sextile Mercury, sextile the Sun, and then sextile Saturn, daydreaming to seek answers could be helpful, however alcohol could as well cause unclarity. Old patterns and old solutions may be more comfortable to your current situation.
Friday the Moon will sextile Mars, trine Venus, and then Jupiter. You can expect a burst of energy or aggression. Later in the day social activities will be more favorable.
Saturday the Moon will trine Uranus, sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto, and square the Sun. Shocking or a breakthrough could happen under this aspect. Your sensitivities are up, you may be drawn to a change, however your vitality may not provide the needed umph.
Sunday the Moon will square Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, big action day! Lots of talking, could be aggressive so be on guard for that, but generally a day to put your future plans into action.
The Planetary Aspects
Friday the Sun will conjunct Mercury and then Mercury will square Pluto. Mercury now direct is ready to move on with its agenda it was contemplating during the retrograde, be ready for big changes or important conversations.
Saturday the Sun will square Pluto your vitality could be tested today, be ready for mechanical breakdowns.
Sunday Venus will trine Jupiter, Mercury will move into Scorpio, and then Mercury will trine Saturn, a very positive aspect today with the benefic planets. A look at the underlying situation may be easier. Putting into place lasting procedures will be a benefit. Don’t forget to journal as Mercury changes signs!
The week of October 9th, 2023, the Moon starts out in fiery Leo, and will move into earthy Virgo on Tuesday, then into airy Libra on Thursday, and then into watery Scorpio on Sunday.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends, the Moon will sextile the Sun and square Uranus. Positive things in energy are in the air you may want to mix it up and change things to your specific needs, friends may play a role to fill this aspect.
Tuesday the Moon will sextile Mars, oppose Saturn, and conjunct Venus, team goals are favorable. Don’t be hard on yourself, this is not a day to listen 2 the voices in your head. A good social day to keep it light, not a day for long term decisions.
Wednesday the Moon will trine Jupiter, you feel generous and willing to help those around you.
Thursday the Moon will trine Uranus, oppose Neptune, and then trine Pluto, a desire to follow excitement or simply a change around your home. Misunderstandings and confusion are the energies in the air. While intensity in relationships, there may be just more focus. You’re more inclined to be sensitive so be careful of your energy.
Saturday the Moon will conjunct Mercury, time to gather information that will be used later on for decision making, and then the Sun at 1:55 PM for our solar eclipse at 21° Libra 8”, will be visible in the USA and thereby, using Mundane Astrology will likely impact the country it can be seen in.
Sunday the Moon will square Pluto, trine Saturn, conjunct Mars, and sextile Venus, this could be challenging power struggles or you are getting to the root of what may be standing in your way. You’re capable of inner strength and physical strength, social situations will have a positive benefit.
The Planetary Aspects
Tuesday Venus will oppose Saturn, and Pluto will go direct, this day may signify a more structured social event, or end up that any dark thoughts are likely not real. A day to journal as energy may shift for you.
Thursday Mars will move into Scorpio where it will receive strength, and hopefully act more positively.
Friday Mars will trine Saturn this can be a very positive day to get serious work done behind the scenes but still it’s required work. Things that require drive, seriousness, structure, with possible input from a trusted wise mentor.
The week of October 2nd 2023, the Moon starts out in earthy Taurus, on Tuesday will move into airy Gemini, on Thursday will move into watery Cancer, and then on Saturday will move into fiery Leo.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon will conjunct Uranus, square Venus, sextile Neptune, trine Mercury, and then Pluto. Hard to stay on task, a desire for independence and impulsiveness, think things through! Although a transit involving a benefic planet with a hard aspect still could be a challenge, solid relationships will benefit with open communication. Possessiveness, indulging and lack of self-discipline will be the negative manifestations associated with this transit. Intuition is up, so are your sensitivities, it’s a lunar transit so it will pass in a few hours. Easy communication and a very intense day with Pluto.
Tuesday the Moon will square Saturn and then trine the Sun, negative thoughts could be common, this too shall pass and then an easy flow of energy and better more positive feelings.
Wednesday the Moon will trine Mars although a short transit a burst of good usable energy can be felt.
Thursday the Moon will square Neptune sextile Venus square Mercury and then trine Saturn. You may receive messages but there is a strong need to check reality, warm feelings in your social and love realm. Rational conversations would be favorable.
Friday and the Moon will square the Sun and then sextile Jupiter, what part of your life needs focus and attention? Energy may be spent on group activities.
Saturday the Moon will sextile Uranus, trine Neptune, square Mars, and oppose Pluto. Old or unexpected friends may show up, time for excitement and get out of your rut. Sensitive to energy in your surroundings, think things through as with Mars, sets us up for hastiness and rash decisions. Emotional intensity can surface today.
Sunday the Moon will sextile Mercury and then square Jupiter new messages and emotional connecting conversations can happen, as well as turning your attention to the intellectual themes such as philosophy, the law or publishing. Be careful not to overlook the details today.
The Planetary Aspects
Monday Mercury will oppose Neptune this is a day where mental confusion and misunderstandings can be highlighted, not a day for the serious stuff.
Tuesday Mercury will trine Pluto deep information such as genealogy would be a favorable endeavor. Serious communications or intense talks could be on the agenda today
Wednesday Mercury will move into Libra a social planet, moving into a social sign the conversation will definitely increase, or move quickly along.
Sunday Mars will square Pluto and Venus will move into Virgo this is a day where you need to watch your surroundings and stay safe. Not a good day for physical risks, as intense heated anger and aggression could be the themes. However Venus moving into the cold sign of Virgo could put a chill on the day.
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