The week of May 30, 2022, the Moon starts out in airy Gemini and will move into watery Cancer on Wednesday. She will move into fiery Leo on Friday finishing off our week with drive!
The Lunar aspects
Mondays New Moon 9°03′ Gemini (at 7:30 am EST) will give us reason to start something, as that is the time to ‘grow’ a new idea or project. Time to set your intentions!
Tuesday the Moon squares Neptune and trines Saturn figuring out our boundaries when it comes to the ‘rules’ will probably be on our minds the most.
Wednesday the Moon squares Jupiter, sextiles Venus and then squares Mars, this transit requires effort to get things done!
Thursday the Moon sextiles Uranus, the home for sure will be on our minds, but something shocking could be lurking around the corner. Be flexible and ready to adjust.
Friday the Moon trines Neptune, sextiles Mercury, opposes Pluto and then trines Jupiter. Our desire to think outside the box is getting support from Neptune and Mercury. Changing that worldly view seems to be the focus, with Jupiter supporting it as well.
Saturday the Moon trines Mars, squares Venus then sextiles the Sun and then will square Uranus. The issues you were dealing with the end of March are resurfacing. With a surprising result!
Sunday the Moon opposes Saturn and squares Mercury. Refining is still an issue and Saturn, and Mercury are trying to make the rules that you’ll follow.
The Planetary aspects
Friday Mercury goes direct bright and early at 4am at 26 ° 05’ Taurus. We still have to re-cover the ground we retrograded through which will happen the middle of June at 4° 51’ Gemini.
Saturday Saturn goes retrograde at 25° 15’ Aquarius where it will retrograde back to 18° 35’ Aquarius.
If you have any planets in your natal chart that are within these degrees expect to be revisiting issues you have been dealing with. After all that is what a retrograde does! Keep journaling so when your run into this kind of energy you know how it relates to you!
The week of May 23, 2022 the Moon in watery Pisces will move into fiery Aries on Tuesday, moving into earthy Taurus on Friday.
The Lunar aspects
Monday the Moon sextiles Uranus. This can be awakening kind of energy. An out of the blue thought that lends itself to independence, or shocking revelations.
Tuesday the Moon conjuncts Neptune, sextiles Pluto and Mercury then will conjunct Mars then moves into Aries and conjuncts Jupiter. Conjunctions are typically the strongest aspect two celestial bodies make. That being said be prepared to have unclarity today with the Neptune energy! When the Moon sextiles Pluto and Mercury its asking for a change. What isn’t working in your life is getting the message from Mercury its about to get the boot! Mars and Jupiter conjunct the Moon just screams to me of big aggression, Mars the planet of aggression and Jupiter makes things big and as Jupiter is already in Aries, it knows it can be expansive in Aries type activities. Big hero energy can manifest as we need Mars to give us the drive as it is a fiery Planet. This may give us a clue as to how this will manifest when these two planets’ Mars and Jupiter actually conjunct on Sunday 5/29.
Wednesday the Moon sextiles the Sun. This may give us a boost of vitality as the Moon represents out bodies and the Sun is giving us a friendly aspect.
Thursday the Moon sextiles Saturn and then will Square Pluto. Feelings of constraint paired with the tension of what isn’t working will be brought forward. This energy moves us forward in our evolution. We know what we want, we know what doesn’t work and well we’ll have to wait for Mars to get into the picture to move us forward!
Friday the Moon moves into Taurus giving us a sense of grounding and purpose.
Saturday the Moon conjuncts Uranus shock and awe are the significators of Uranus, as well as simply “leveling up”. The point of Uranus is unpredictability!
Sunday the Moon sextiles Neptune, squares Saturn, conjuncts Mercury, trines Pluto, sextiles Jupiter and Mars! Whew! All of the celestial movements (other then 2) will all happen before Noon! Neptune can allow us to dream and create while Saturn may hold us back. Mercury wants to have the conversation or present ‘news’. Pluto is still in the last degrees of what it is trying to change, while Jupiter is looking to expand. What Mars will be doing is where we need to focus our energy and drive towards. And YES you guessed it, Sunday will be the busiest day of the week with 7 Lunar movements! If you have time to journal today should be the most valuable to do so!
The Planetary aspects
Monday the Sun sextiles Jupiter and Mercury sextiles Mars. The Sun and Jupiter will cause us to think of the big picture and of course expand on it. While Mercury will help you get the process of your project down Mars will supply the drive. This is a great day for a project, as the energies are there to support your efforts.
Tuesday Mars moves into Aries, then Venus sextiles Saturn, Mars is now in full strength with this move as Aries is its home sign, giving you the access to really drive your actions. Venus and Saturn, although have a friendly aspect can still lead to constraint, denial and the need for patience.
Wednesday Mercury trines Pluto we could get messages of what is about to change!
Friday Venus squares Pluto this aspect is meant to ‘control’, an uneasy aspect for sure as it causes tension. The Venus Pluto bodies seem to focus on control of women or transform their environment.
Saturday Venus moves into Taurus, where she is in her full strength. She is copresent with Uranus who is also in that sign and squaring Saturn every once in a while. Seems controlling tension around Venusian matters is going to be the theme. Should be interesting how it plays out in the USA. As Uranus’s goal is to advance consciousness. (That’s not really a Hellenistic viewpoint as Uranus was not observed at that time) Sunday Mars conjuncts Jupiter should be quite a day with aggression or separation as well as drive. Where this is in your chart should help you to understand which part of your life it will show up. This is a very strong aspect as the conjunction happens in a water sign, could on a Mundane level equal to water problems, and or aggressions with water! A good time to Journal that’s for sure!
The week of May 16, 2022, Monday early morning, the Moon becomes a Full Moon at 12:14 am est. in watery Scorpio at 25° 18”. Known as ‘where the hidden things lay’. She will move into fiery Sagittarius later that morning, and into earthy Capricorn by Wednesday. She will then move into airy Aquarius on Friday get ready for some air, and then into watery Pisces on Sunday.
The Lunar aspects
Monday we have the Lunar eclipse in Scorpio revealing hidden things, where this is in your chart may be felt for months to come. The Moon will then sextile Pluto, trine Jupiter and oppose Mercury. Those aspects can look like control in a big way opposing the message! Or a big change needed will need a plan!
Tuesday the Moon trines Venus squares Mars and Neptune and sextiles Saturn. This could look good as Venus is a benefic, you may feel the tension of the square to Mars as a force either positive or negative, be careful as it as well has Neptune’s influence of unclarity with this aspect. The sextile, or a friendly aspect to Saturn may bring stability to the situation.
Wednesday the Moon squares Jupiter, this can bring about tension in upper education, the courts or foreigners. In these times that idea is not a stretch. However, does it match up with the planets? That’s the key! (With the inconjuncts to the Sun and Mercury only highlights this idea as inconjuncts = frustration)
Thursday the Moon trines Uranus and squares Venus. This could bring shocking news or events towards the arts and/or women.
Friday before the Moon moves into Aquarius, she sextiles Neptune and Mars then conjuncts Pluto and trines the Sun, Mercury and finally sextiles Jupiter all before noon! Wow YES it gets the vote for the busiest day! The Moons move into Aquarius wants to focus on the ‘group’ however with Neptune and Mars may thwart clear efforts unless it is for the cause of beauty, or the greater good-what Jupiter wants to do, and with Pluto’s need to change and throw out what no longer serves us could be changing. The Sun’s desire to bring focus, will highlight and make bigger Mercury and its retrograde message. How has the Mercury retrograde been affecting you?
Saturday the Moon squares Mercury and sextiles Venus. This should be a fun easy day although the hard aspect to Mercury may just be indicative of delays or plans going astray. I can’t help but think with the Mercury Sun aspect should lead to great conversations. Even brilliant ideas!
Sunday the Moon conjuncts Saturn and then squares Mercury and the Sun. These planets together can build something quite solid, as they are all in fixed signs. Mercury is still in retrograde, so watch out for plans not going necessarily according to plan!
The Planetary aspects
Wednesday Mars conjuncts Neptune. This aspect can be very inspiring as Mars is in Pisces, not one of his strong signs to be in, but while in Rome… right? Grab a paintbrush and be inspired as this has the energy to drive any creative project. This could also lead to fraud so make sure your clear on your situation.
Thursday the Sun trines Pluto and Mercury sextiles Jupiter. The Sun’s aspect to Pluto speaks to an easy change or at least movement toward that goal. Mercury’s aspect to Jupiter is a friendly one and we can expect good news!
Friday the Sun moves into Gemini, highlighting Mercury and possibly what this Mercury retrograde is trying to teach you!
Saturday the Sun conjuncts Mercury. This is an inferior conjunction which means it is addressing an issue that needs revisiting. This could be the day when you receive really good insight on a situation.
Sunday Mercury moves into Taurus giving us some stability with the news or commerce. Mars will sextile Pluto, which can speak of forceful control. Or a hard drive for change.
These are changing times, keep journaling!
The week of May 9, 2022, the Moon moves into earthy Virgo early evening then moves into airy Libra early Thursday morning. Quickly moving into watery Scorpio early Saturday.
The Lunar aspects
Monday the Moon opposes Saturn. This opposing aspect can lead us to stifle our emotions or simply tell us to slow down.
Tuesday the Moon squares Mercury and trines Uranus. This is pretty comical when you think about the planetary movements for today as today is the day Mercury goes retrograde. Mercury and Uranus have a strong connection to electricity! Anything associated with electricity can become, lets just say a bit unstable. This is why during most Mercury retrogrades you hear of delays in travel and things generally not going as planned. Happening in Gemini the sign of the twins further suggests things being done twice. Get comfortable with this aspect as it will be an important sign later in the year!
Wednesday the Moon opposes Mars so watch your aggression, it may well serve as drive for a project you’ve been waiting to do! The Moon will trine the Sun both in earth signs giving us focus to what is tangible. As it will oppose Neptune, the planet known for not generating clear thought, make sure to understand the details!
Thursday the Moon trines Pluto and Mercury and will oppose Jupiter and Venus. A busy day to say the least yet not the busiest! This energy with Pluto is letting us know what isn’t working in our lives. Jupiter wants to expand and now in Aries the sign of war and conflict as well as drive and heroism are the energies we may experience. The benefics involved will hopefully bring about a positive spin to the day!
Friday the Moon will trine Saturn causing us to feel restriction and slowness. Everything happens in time and Saturn is the Planet that lets us know it may NOT be time YET!
Saturday the Moon squares Pluto. This is a tension aspect that will bring change or bring change of thought for a solution to be found or seen, looking for balance with the Libra Moon.
Sunday the Moon opposes Uranus, trines Mars, squares Saturn and trines Neptune. The energies of Saturn and Neptune are going to be strong due to both luminaries aspecting both of the planets! Again Saturn the planet of no, not now, OR follow the rules as well as lack of clarity (Neptune’s influence) throwing Uranus and Mars into the mix may lead to a possible shocking resolution or development to a problem or situation. Add Mars into the arrangement to add the drive and we have quite the busy day!
Planetary aspects
Tuesday Mercury goes into retrograde the same day Jupiter moves into Aries. This is BIG energy! Jupiter wants to expand, and Mercury is just basically running amuck! As I mentioned before WHERE Mercury goes retrograde is very close to where Mars will be making quite a kick later in the year!
Sunday the Sun squares Saturn and sextiles Neptune. The Moon is already aspecting these two planets and the Sun highlighting them only leads me to believe THESE energies are going to be felt giving us a feeling of constraint and unclarity.
Where and what message Mercury is giving you this week particularly Tuesday is close to the exact degree Mars will be highlighting later this year! Be sure to journal as there are many planetary movements that should leave you feeling like… Whaaat???? YOUR journal will help you!
The week of May 2, 2022, the Moon moves into airy Gemini then into watery Cancer on Wednesday and into fiery Leo on Saturday!
The Lunar aspects
Monday the Moon moves into Gemini early morning right after it sextiles Jupiter, trines Pluto and sextiles Venus; it will then conjunct Mercury. Leaving us open to ideas of expansiveness and inclusivity. Although with the conjunction of Mercury we can expect to have this energy move quickly or we should expect news following these general themes.
Tuesday the Moon squares Mars, a day to be watching your own temper and emotions as the Moon tends to affect our emotions the most.
Wednesday the Moon trines Saturn, then squares Neptune and Jupiter. Saturn can offer stability to that ‘big’ dream we have in mind. It’s hard to listen to the ‘rules’ Saturn tries to teach us, yet we need balance and structure.
Thursday, Happy Cinco de Mayo, we start off with the Moon squaring Venus, a square brings tension. With the Moon in its own sign gives the Moon essential dignity or strength, it is as well, in the bounds of Mars (has to play using Mars rules).
Friday the Moon sextiles Uranus and the Sun and then will trine Mars and Neptune. Emotional ties to freedom and independence could be your drive for your dreams. This energy can create the breakthroughs and the drive to get things done!
Saturday the Moon opposes Pluto then trines Jupiter, sextiles Mercury and trines Venus. The Moon moving into fiery Leo is looking to highlight those areas of your chart. Whatever is not serving you now is highlighted with the opposition of Pluto and the Moon. Mercury in Gemini wants to help the communication with some effort on your part, and willing to bring those two benefic planets Jupiter and Venus whatever they have been working on with the ‘little to no effort’ of the trine aspect.
Sunday we can expect shock and awe or breakthrough news with the Moon square Uranus. When the Moon squares the Sun, we can expect to be done with half of the project we set out to do at the beginning of the New Moon cycle. How are you doing on your project you decided to start on the New Moon?
Planetary aspects
Monday Venus enters Aries, a place where she has less strength than the previous sign of Pisces, she was in. In fact, this is opposite of where she likes to be so she doesn’t have too much say so in how things are run although Mars will try to accommodate her plan, she doesn’t have access to her normal MO. (modus operandi)
Tuesday Jupiter sextiles Pluto, from the Pisces sign where Jupiter is at speaks of water and Pluto can be transformative. I wouldn’t rule out tsunamis, but earthquakes* can be a significator from the eclipse we just had as that event took place in an earth sign. (a good rule of thumb) to have 3 days’ worth of emergency supplies on hand till more permanent help can arrive. (* typically, only effects where the Solar Eclipse was visible)
Wednesday Mars sextiles Uranus. Mars known for separation and heat as well as iron and war, paired with the shock and awe Uranus usually brings, can intensify, or bring our focus to the war. On the closer level can bring a shocking argument, an “out of the blue” cut, even finding yourself cut off from technology. On the positive side maybe a drive to advance technology, or ‘shocking’ hero energy. We all have free will, at least here in the U.S.
Thursday the Sun conjuncts Uranus in Taurus an earth sign. Unexpected breakthroughs with a desire to seek independence are the energies today! This would not be a good day to schedule negotiations as it could create that ‘its all about ME’ slammed with independence or I’m not doing it your way, as the event happens in a fixed sign!
Friday when Mercury sextiles Venus you can expect to have great conversations when running into friends. Venus loves to bring people together and Mercury loves to talk and communicate.
Saturday the Sun sextiles Mars putting the spotlight on our independence, with the driving force of Mars to complete the job.
Happy Mother’s Day to all who are celebrating this year! Maybe a good time to buy your Mom a journal as not only will it be fun to look at in the future, but a helpful reference to how those transits have been affecting her! Next week Mercury goes into retrograde so make sure to back up your technology and be sure to re-read contracts during that time.
Great info!!
Aww thanks glad you find it helpful!