The week of March 20th, 2023, the Moon Starts off in watery Pisces and moves into fiery Aries-Happy International Astrologers day to those who celebrate! The Moon then moves into earthy Taurus on Thursday and then into airy Gemini by Saturday.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon sextiles Uranus we might be thinking freedom rebellion and independent thinking.
Tuesday the Moon conjunct Neptune will square Mars then sextile Pluto conjunct the Sun forming a New Moon in Aries at 1:23pm then will conjunct Mercury. Not a clear sense for what you’ll be fighting for so watch your p’s and q’s, and need for change for sure can start and has the energy to do so.
Wednesday the Moon will conjunct Jupiter this is a time for expanse or justice.
Thursday the Moon will sextile Mars square Pluto and sextile Saturn, we might be driven for change but will feel a restriction.
Friday the Moon will conjunct Venus and Uranus relationships/art could change or you might view them in a different way.
Saturday the Moon will sextile Neptune and trine Pluto, heightened intuition and extremely sensitive! Protect your boundaries as you help others today!
Sunday the Moon will square Saturn and sextile the Sun, you may be moody today but that shouldn’t stop you from going out and ‘being seen’!
The Planetary Aspects
Monday the Sun sextiles Pluto, the Sun moves into Aries at 5:24 pm, this should really feel like a shift in the air! The Sun is just highlighting that! New beginning’s the start of the Zodiac! This is a very big week for planetary movements.
Thursday Pluto moves into Aquarius, I should tell you to journal as you might get a glimpse of what is before you for the next 20 some years! Have planets or points at the beginning of mutable signs you may feel this transit stronger than others.
Saturday Mars moves out of Gemini where it has been for seven months! That’s a long time for any sign to hold Mars in! But he’s finally moving onto Cancer where he will not be as strong. Again journal!
**Note Saturn moving out of Rulership after having strength for 5 years, Mars moving out of Gemini where its average is 6 weeks, and Pluto dipping its toe into Aquarius for just a few months to let us know what needs changing. Pay attention in your life to these shifts and know your group, we are all gonna feel a change!
The week of March 13th 2023, the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius and then will move into earthy Capricorn on Wednesday and then into airy Aquarius on Friday before she moves into watery Pisces Sunday morning.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon sextiles Pluto and then will square Saturn, easy changes while steady action for the day.
Tuesday the Moon will trine Jupiter square Mercury the Sun and then Neptune before she opposes Mars. It may be helpful to look at the big picture to make your point in conversations although it may not be clear it may turn into action or aggression, so fair warning!
Wednesday the Moon will trine Venus and sextile Saturn This is an aspect to impart good deeds while helping elderly people or commitments.
Thursday the Moon will square Jupiter & trine Uranus, Looking at the big picture is definitely required today before deciding on a new idea or a shocking theme.
Friday the Moon will sextile Neptune and Mercury and then the Sun before she will conjunct Pluto and then square Venus. Unclear or foggy themes may come up during conversations before a change can take place around Venusian things, Such as beauty love or inclusions.
Saturday the Moon will sextile Jupiter and square Uranus a very supportive energy but the need to be careful and think through your actions may be necessary today.
Sunday the Moon will trine Mars conjunct Saturn and sextile Venus this is a good day to get things done and to honor your commitments, don’t get too far into your head, a conversation with a good friend can help you bring out your Venusian side. whew! That’s a lot of lunar energy
The Planetary Aspects
Tuesday Mars will square Neptune, be sure you know what your arguing about, good time to check facts!
Wednesday the Sun will conjunct Neptune this transit can bring out intuition as well as drive you into the darkness of drugs and alcohol.
Thursday Mercury will conjunct Neptune the Sun will square Mars, Venus will square Pluto before she moves into Taurus where she will regain her dignity. Intense feelings or growth within a relationship can be likely.
Friday Mercury will square Mars the Sun will conjunct Mercury and Saturn and Venus will sextile. Think through your thoughts and make efforts to not be hasty. A good day to lead a group towards a goal, Or start a business, don’t forget about the commitments, others will notice your care.
Saturday Mercury will sextile Pluto this is a great day for investigative research, a positive aspect for sure.
Sunday Mercury moves into Aries, yes those can be fighting words coming! It would benefit to journal!
The week of March 6th 2023 Monday the Moon in earthy Virgo will move into airy Libra on Wednesday then finally into watery Scorpio on Friday.
The Lunar Aspects
Monday the Moon opposes Mercury this should give us a clue of the conversations that need to take place.
Tuesday the Moon trines Uranus opposes the Sun then will square Mars and then oppose Neptune, Full Moon happens at 7:40 AM at 16 degrees 40 minutes of Virgo. New ideas may be the answer energy could be low but a fight can be right around the corner. As the energy today will not give you clear boundaries
Wednesday the Moon will trine Pluto, this could translate into power struggles or a needed change.
Thursday the Moon will oppose Jupiter, today we are looking for big things to happen.
Friday the Moon opposes Venus will trine Mars, then square Pluto and then trine Saturn. Relationships be your focus, be careful of aggression due to power struggles, new rules might come into play.
Sunday the Moon will oppose Uranus trining Mercury and the Sun and then Neptune. New ideas can get implemented with Uranus and Mercury, available energy can get the job done but maybe unsure where the finish line actually is.
The Planetary Aspects
Tuesday Saturn moves into Pisces Full Moon today, Saturn will be in new Rulership as it loses power from not being in its own sign! Maybe a gentler Saturn? Saturday Venus will sextile Mars and then Mercury will sextile Uranus. Today the focus might be on either beautifying your projects or working on your relationships. the other planetary energy that is going to impact us could be different and new merchant and tech themes, Or exciting solutions to problems could be resolved.
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