Azurite is a deep blue stone which can help support intuition as well as intellect, it can support the third eye chakra also known as the 6th chakra. Not only does this crystal work with the 6th chakra but can also be used with the 7th chakra**. It has a monoclinic crystal system, grows in massive or Botryoidal forms. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 to 4 making it an undesirable stone for a ring. However, this crystal has a wonderful energy and if you can find a way to keep it protected is a wonderful stone to carry.
This is an excellent stone to work with if you are a student*, as it helps retention of new information. Giving the mind the agility it needs to make “conceptual leaps”**. It helps to analyze information without adding your own bias to your interpretation. It provides increased connection to the divine. When paired with malachite a crystal it commonly grows with, can bring the heart and the mind to work together. It works to help migraines and Vertigo.
**Source: The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian
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