Astrology has been practiced for thousands of years. As a Certified Hellenistic Astrologer (a technique developed in the Hellenistic period approx. 100 CE) my study of Latin helped me to understand the culture surrounding this fascinating chapter of Astrology. Focusing on Valens, Ptolemy, Dorotheus, Paulus and Rhetorius among others, rounded out an understanding and a working system of chart interpretation.
Since no one walking on the planet is able to escape being born with a Mars or Saturn in their birth chart, everyone is susceptible to these two maleficent planets. Venus and Jupiter the benefics are in the sky to help us as well. Knowing where these planets are can better help assist the client in knowing which energies are influencing their day to day activity. Scheduling a Natal Reading or a Year in Advance Reading can help you determine where your strengths are and when to use them, or let you know where your weaknesses are and perhaps find ways to mitigate them!
After review of many different studies of Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology offers a pretty straightforward delineation of client charts, more so in my opinion than any other Astrological study. It is the foundation of many of the Astrology methods used today. Hellenistic Astrology was buried with the fall of Rome and didn’t reappear till “Project Hindsight” worked on a translation of Vettius Valens in the 1990s. This uncovered many “New” techniques such as “Lots”, Triplicity Rulers and the lights, and Zodiacal Releasing that were buried since the dark ages. Our ability to use these techniques offers a new perspective on forecasting events as well as identifying the critical periods in a clients life.
If you think the “Big” rocks in the sky have something to say, please check out my Crystal Therapy page and find out what the “Little” rocks have to say…